Success Stories — founder

Amazing Before/ After Pictures from Horse on NaturalHoof

Amazing Before/ After Pictures from Horse on NaturalHoof

To learn about our natural hoof supplement, Click Here This horse was diagnosed with having White Line Disease (fungal infection of the inner layer of the hoof wall) in December of 2015. The horse had the infected portion of his inner hoof wall debrided to remove the infection . Because of this, healthy hoof growth was incredibly important. The horse was on a complete feed that contained all of the vitamins and trace minerals that the horse needed but was not growing back the hoof wall fast enough to replace the missing sections.  The veterinarian and farrier didn't want to...

Oversupplementing Your Horse

Oversupplementing Your Horse

We all want to take care of our horse in the best way possible. For years this has meant feeding our performance horses a complete feed as well as every supplement that we think that they could need. The prevailing wisdom has always told us that "they will just pee out what they don't need".   What we are finding from talking to experts and horse owners is that, the more we supplement trace minerals and vitamins randomly, the more our horses hooves fall apart. There are no good studies on this yet. We expect something to come out in the...

Dr. Scott Morrison from Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital Teaching about StableSound

Dr. Scott Morrison from Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital Teaching about StableSound

See the below video of how Dr. Scott Morrison, renowned equine podiatrist from Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital is using our StableSound Product. Dr. Morrison as well as many other veterinarians have made StableSound a foundational component to building and maintaining healthy hooves for performance horses.  Dr. Morrison uses StableSound for any performance horse that is stabled for long periods of time or being shipped over long distances. "The custom orthotic insert created by the StableSound Product is easy to remove and reuse on a horse for a complete shoeing cycle. We put the StableSound in each of the front...