
Dr. Scott Morrison from Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital Teaching about StableSound

See the below video of how Dr. Scott Morrison, renowned equine podiatrist from Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital is using our StableSound Product. Dr. Morrison as well as many other veterinarians have made StableSound a foundational component to building and maintaining healthy hooves for performance horses. 

Dr. Morrison uses StableSound for any performance horse that is stabled for long periods of time or being shipped over long distances.

"The custom orthotic insert created by the StableSound Product is easy to remove and reuse on a horse for a complete shoeing cycle. We put the StableSound in each of the front hooves during long periods of rest for the horse. This reduces unnecessary pressure on the hoof walls and the heels. I recommend anyone with performance horses to use this product to protect the heel and arch integrity of the horse during rest"

Dr. Scott Morrison